Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thing #3 Assignment

Thing #3 Blog

What is easy for you about teaching research?
Getting organized is easy for me. Breaking it down into smaller pieces for the students is something I've done enough now and fee comfortable with.

What are the challenges?
Motivating students to do the work. In our instant gratification society, they want the answer right away. Wikipedia comes to mind. After looking at some of links, on Factmonster, for example, it is obvious to my why students are so tempted to cut and paste. I think the challenge is what we have already discussed - how to create good "plagiarism proof" assignments, and how to teach students the skills so they don't feel like they need to cheat to accomplish the objectives.

How might the RPC Teacher Guide help you plan and manage research projects?
When I first saw this in Aug. I e-mailed it to every teacher I knew. It can be huge in helping kids stay on task, especially if it is a long term assignment.

How can you keep the planning, teaching and managing of research projects sane for you as a teacher?
By using tools such as Rubistar, it can keep the grading of it more manageable. A good rubric and solve many problems and create better products. It matters when kids know exactly what is expected of them.

What additional support or resources do you need to be successful in this area of information literacy?
More paid time to explore and create meaningful projects. More time to do this in teams, as projects created collaboratively are usually better.

Other Comments:

After looking at the various links given at Thing #3, I think it would be VERY helpful if District 112 would get organized and adopt a "Research Process", such as the one put out by RPC or the other organizations/universities listed. It would be helpful for students to hear the same message in their various grades/classes throughout their 6-12 education. Also - do BOTH middle schools teach and information technology class now? Is that going to continue? Where is Cathy Gallagher when we need her?


Connie said...

It's my understanding that grades grades K-8 are using the Big 6 research process and 9-12 are adopting the Metronet's 5-step research process in the RPC. Ninth graders are currently required to take Using Technology, but that is moving to the 8th grade next year. Since technology changes so constantly, I think there should continue to be tech. ed. in grades 9-12.

Karen said...

Thanks for forwarding the RPC to others . . . let us know if it helps you and/or your students!