Friday, April 24, 2009
cool quote
want to share a very cool quote I heard yesterday (4.23.09) on NPR last night. A guy who is working for the website (tracking how the stimulus pkg. $ is being spent) commented on how "This is not just Government 2.0, but Democracy 2.0".
Music to a Social Studies Teacher's ears! He is speaking about the transparency of this admin. and the plans to make the Fed. more transparent - even in the office of Budget Management. Exciting stuff.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Way Behind
I have some legitimate excuses for my tardiness: (Don't I always?)
1. I started teaching a new prep - Sociology. It has consumed my life. I've been waiting my whole career to teach this. I love it, but have been at school every night until about 5 pm figuring out what I'm going to do the next day. In fact, right now, I should be figuring out what I plan to do tomorrow instead of doing this.
2. I got MONO and STREP Throat. Because I'm not totally prepared (see above) I've acually missed very little school considering the Dr. told me to rest for 2-3 wks. - right! Sub plans are way more of a pain than actually showing up tired.
I do have one cool thing to share and I'm not sure if I wrote about it already. I Found it on Classroom 2.0, I think when I was doing Thing #13. I'm actually going to show it in class tomorrow. See the link below - would be timely to show for MILI class as well:
Hi,Check out this cool presentation on SlideShare:Title: "The Micro-Sociology of Networks"Link: (I e-mailed it to myself, hense the last part)
Second thing I can write about: The NCSS publication Social Education just came, and guess what the title of this month's edition is - "Social Studies 2.0: Thinking, Connecting and Creating w/Technology". I need to go faciliate our Dept. Mtg., so I guess I'll read about it later.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monthly Thing - Thing #13
No, I haven't been a member. MILI certainly has peeked my interest. I think I will join Facebook this summer when I have more time to read it and figure out how it works.
How's Facebook? MySpace? Other social networks you joined?
I just joined Classroom 2.0 and I'm proud of me for doing that - it looks like a great site I'm going to pass onto some colleagues as soon as I'm done w/this. I just saw a really great Slide Show - I typed in "High School Sociology" - it will be a great clip to use when I teach a unit on Sociology and Technology.
I guess I did join a Social Network last summer. When I went to the AP US History class, we signed into the College Board's page. I can see where that would be REALLY helpful if you were teaching a class for the first time.
Did you have any trouble finding a social network that fit your interests? Does online social networking appeal to you personally? Why or why not?
Social Networks somewhat appeal to me. I'd like to find a social network or Ning that is comprised of High School Sociology teachers, similar to the way the College Board has them for AP Teachers.
They appeal to me in that I'm selfish and my time is precious, so if I can find an answer or a better way of doing something, that sounds great. However, I'm not one to have a lot of patience sitting in front of a computer, so I wouldn't say it would be my first communication choice. I'd rather actually talk to someone.
Is online social networking used in your professional sphere in some way? If so, how? If not, can you think of a way using an online social networking site might be beneficial to your educational community, whether with colleagues or students?
I can see where it would be useful and did try to set a Wiki up w/our Dept. It didn't go very far. People don't have more time to spend on technology.
If you set up a social network using Ning, how did it go? I didn't try this.
Weekly Blog
In the 3/16/09 issue of Time, author Lev Grossman wrote an article entitled "Quitting Twitter". He writes, "Its the social network du jour. But what do we really get out of it, aside from being interrupted?"
Of course I felt this way already, with the use of e-mail. There is something about getting an e-mail and seeing it flash in the corner of the screen and needing to answer it right away. It is like when the phone rings, I have to answer it!
I think about the days when I started to teaching to today. I didn't even have a computer in the classroom I was student teaching in. The school I was at still hand wrote attendance. Today, I'm interrupted by the need to be on e-mail, check e-mail, all the time!!! To me, something like Twitter, sounds like e-mail on steriods.
Lev Grossman writes about his recent obsession w/a Famous Writer he likes who tweets. The most profound thing he shared wa "the more interested I get in Famous Writer's life, the less interested I am in my own." Later he says "I think I'm in danger of mistaking my connection to Famous Writer for an actualy human relationship instead of what it is - a slow drip of basically trivial data that I've been using as an excuse to get out of the hard work of being alone w/myself". Whoa. And the last line - "Just remember, the un-Twittered life is still worth living". I think I'll stick w/that one.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Weekly Post 3/20
3/18/09 - NY Times (couldn't find the proper underline button) online:
"As Jurors Turn to Wed, Mistrials Are Popping Up" by John Swartz
The article included about three examples, one a 8 wk. long trial, that was declared a mistrial due to jurors looking up information (i.e. Wikipedia, Google Earth), doing research on the case, Twittering, or even posting information on Facebook that a "big announcement" is coming on Monday.
Obviously, jurors aren't supposed to seek info. from outside the courtroom. In fact, there are very specific state by state laws on what evidence can be used.
"It is really impossible to control it," said the Pres. of the Am. Society of Trial Consultants. (No wonder why we as teachers have a hard time controlling it in the classroom!)
Another quote I found insightful by the author was "but w/the internet now as close as a juror's poclet, the risk has grown more immediate - and instinctual".
As a taxpayer I find this really frustrating. Not only does this open the doors for mistrials, but also appeals.
Again, more fuel to my fire - Technology is Overrated!!! :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
We get next week off due to Spring Break, right?
So I’m actually going to write this on word first since Blogger is updating some things. Go figure – I’m never on here and the one time they are, they are updating.
I actually have something neat to talk about this week. I heard it on last weekend’s Sound Money show on NPR. Chris Farrell was talking about “Time Banking” ( I went to the site and copied and pasted its intro:
Time Banks Weave Community One Hour at a Time
For every hour you spend doing something for someone in your community, you earn one Time Dollar. Then you have a Time Dollar to spend on having someone do something for you. It's that simple. Yet it also has profound effects. Time Banks change neighborhoods and whole communities. Time Banking is a social change movement in 22 countries and six continents.
Sound Money shared an example of how in LA, a costume designer time banked hrs. by doing alterations for people, while someone returned what she needed, which was someone to go to her home and give her diabetic dog shots twice a day. She couldn’t afford the shots, so she trades her time or her “trade”/skill instead. What is neat is that people who are part of this all have to be in the same zip code. In this particular example, there were 75 people that you could bank time w/for different services, such as carpentry, roofing, cooking, etc.
This was shared on Sound Money because of the value it can bring to people, particularly in a downward economy. The guy who created it said “time is a variable that has value”. It is also being praised as a huge community bridge builder, as it makes people locally interdependent on each other – something that has been lost w/the information superhighway and globalization revolution.
I think it sounds pretty cool. And they don’t have one is Chaska yet. Any takers? ☺
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thing #6
Just to let you know, I'm finishing this assignment after everyone has left for the snowday/early release at 1pm. Note it is 4 pm and I'm still here! It is the end of the month tomorrow and I still haven't done my "thing" for the month!
Do you think that using Google Docs can improve your productivity? Why or Why not? If yes, how?
Perhaps. I was all excited and was going to use Google Docs after learning about it in August. But when it came time to use it in Jan., I introduced it, and the kids didn't want to use it. Since students here all have user folders, rather than putting their projects on one Google Doc, they just saved it in one person's user folder so we could pull it up. It wasn't a problem when someone was absent because I have access to everyone's folder. I can see the benefits, but we just didn't need to use it this time.
Tell us some ways you have used Google Docs to collaborate with others.
See above. I played with it when we did it in class, but I haven't done anything w/it since.
Have you participated in a wiki? Tell us about it.
Carrie and I created a Wiki for our Dept. to discuss "things that were going on" (changes we weren't happy with). We thought it would be a great forum and possibly more confidential than sending stuff back and forth on e-mail. However, since you access it through the internet, one of my colleagues pointed out it wasn't as confidential as we thought. That killed the Wiki. So did lack of time to get on the Wiki and "bitch" so to speak. It was easier just to talk about it at lunch or keep it to yourself.
Other than that, I have not particpated in a Wiki.
Have you created a wiki for a group to use? Why? How did it go?
See above.
Other comments ...
I thought the article about the Prof. having students submit their writing to Wikipedia was an interesing idea. I totally agree w/improving student performance by having a different audience - that really can help. Having students reflect on the type of writing needed for Wikipedia was also interesting. I still hope, however, that higher ed institutions and ours at CHS will continue to "ban" its use, so to speak. I think it is fine as an initial search for keywords, and to determine if something is "common knowledge" or not, but other than that ...
The real question is how to we get kids to use tools they aren't as familar with, i.e. the CHS Media Center home page w/all our paid subscriptions. I will admit, sometimes it is easier to search on Wikipedia. Why can't "Britanica Online" be just as easy to use, or how can we teach students to use it better?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Weekly Posting
Time 2/23/09, had a funny article w/many truths entitled "Facebook is for Old people" by Lev Grossman. Here were the 10 reasons:
1. Facebook (FB) is about finding peole you've lost track of.
2. We're no longer bitter about high school.
3. We never get drunk at parties and get photographed holding beer bottles in suggestive positions. - At least I hope not!
4. Facebook isn't just a social network, it a business network.
5. We're lazy.
6. We're old enough that pictures from grade school or summer camp look nothing like us.
7. We have children.
8. We're too old to remember e-mail addresses.
9. We don't understand Twitter. Literally. It makes no sense to us. - I had to LOL at this one!
10. We're not cool, and we don't' care.
The more funny thing about all this Facebook stuff, is that despite my aversion to technology, I find out, my husband made one! When I asked him where he is getting time to do this, I noticed - while I was picking up the kitchen after dinner and our children were running wild - that he was on his Facebook page!!!!! And it isn't even done well - he has old, not the cutest pictures we have, of our kids and himself on there. Now I probably need to do one to show him how it is done. But I still don't get it. The "what am I doing right now" thing - do I really care that my sister in law is bragging about just getting back from a 9 mi. run? I'm still taking the position that I don't have time for.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A few posts behind
1. I really don't have anything to blog about.
2. The week on Sat. 1/16 - F 1/23 I worked for the Close Up Foundation in Washington, DC, leading kids from across the U.S. (AK, CA, TX, GA and NY to be exact, that was at my hotel anyway), using DC as the classroom and the Inauguration as the backdrop. It was amazing! Yes, I was one out of every 150 Americans to attend. There is an article in the Chaska Herald about it dated 1/22 if you want to read about it.
3. Last week was the start of the new term with new students. Enough said.
4. I don't have my own classroom this year, so I'm in a different room different hours. I'm like a chicken w/my head cut off.
5. I started working full time last week (prior I was .63).
6. I am now Dept. Head for the SS Dept. because I wasn't at a mtg. to say "not it!". I'm finding myself in the middle of a lot of conversations where a lot of major changes are happening in the district. It is a lot of little stuff (e.g. finalizing the Registration Guide like I had to be working on during last class, ordering equal materials for both schools) that is trivial and time consuming.
7. I'm trying to be a good student; I'm sorry I'm not. But I'm trying :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Weekly blog from last week
I acutally have a tip: Dan Pelowski sent a great link to some of us from Teacher Tube - How not to use PowerPoint - from Teacher Tube Fri 1/9 11 MB. Don McMillian is obvioulsy a stand up commic who created a great sketch. It was perfect timing, as we were just working on the Decades Powerpoint project.
Now some questions - Dumb questions. I know I need to get "with it" (I'll do that in my extra time b/t the 3 kids, teaching job, lifetime job, job at Close Up in DC next week, life, etc.), but here goes:
What exactly is a podcast?
When are we going to exam social networks like Myspace, Facebook, etc.
I know I have some more, but those are two I was looking at right now. Because we are paired w/people who took it last year and because others are just more advanced than me, I sometimes feel stupid asking these questions. I simply am not as technologically curious or as astute at technological problem solving than others. However, I do want to know and I don't want to bury my head in the sand, but I can't seem to put the time in either. I felt "behind" on reading and keeping up w/stuff before, technology is a double edged sword, and somewhat makes it worse.