Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekly blog from last week

I'm trying to get caught up here. I think I missed blogging last week, so here goes. I have something to share and some questions.

I acutally have a tip: Dan Pelowski sent a great link to some of us from Teacher Tube - How not to use PowerPoint - from Teacher Tube Fri 1/9 11 MB. Don McMillian is obvioulsy a stand up commic who created a great sketch. It was perfect timing, as we were just working on the Decades Powerpoint project.

Now some questions - Dumb questions. I know I need to get "with it" (I'll do that in my extra time b/t the 3 kids, teaching job, lifetime job, job at Close Up in DC next week, life, etc.), but here goes:
What exactly is a podcast?
When are we going to exam social networks like Myspace, Facebook, etc.

I know I have some more, but those are two I was looking at right now. Because we are paired w/people who took it last year and because others are just more advanced than me, I sometimes feel stupid asking these questions. I simply am not as technologically curious or as astute at technological problem solving than others. However, I do want to know and I don't want to bury my head in the sand, but I can't seem to put the time in either. I felt "behind" on reading and keeping up w/stuff before, technology is a double edged sword, and somewhat makes it worse.

1 comment:

Karen said...

We are going to talk about podcasts in March, but in the meantime a simple explanation might be that they are audio files one can stream, download, or subscribe to. For example, you can subscribe to an MPR program so that you can listen to it on your ipod and not in real-time. The reason "podcasting" is talked about so much now is that they are now easy to make, so 'anyone' can do it.

As for MySpace and Facebook -- as of now we are not planning on covering them in our sessions, mainly because they are blocked by most schools and therefore not a useful teaching tool. However, (optional) Thing 13 addresses them if you want to take a look at that. The easiest thing is to join Facebook because then the networking just "happens" and the whole idea of why people do this is clearer. If you have specific questions, though, feel free to comment here or email me.

Hope that helps!