Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm behind on blogging

So I mean to blog after class a few weeks ago on 12/10, but I guess I was so immersed in learning about how to get a journal alert from ELM, that it got away from me. I'd like to reflect on how I will use those journal alerts, but honestly, I'm not sure I will. It certainly was beneficial to be exposed to additional ways to navigate through the sea of information overload, but I'm not sure I'll actually use the alerts and other strategies explained - sorry. Just being honest here.

I had meant to do Thing #4 today, but got busy getting caught up and planning sub plans for when I go to the Inauguration 1/21-1/23 that this got away from me. So I am here at school on my day off and now it is 4pm and I need to get home. My babysitter is costing me $. Certianly the little check we got this month was nice, but I think I need to get home now and maybe I can do it tomorrow, as I plan to come in as well.

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