Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thing #4

OK - I'm at school on my day off (again), the day before X-Mas Eve. I'm trying to stay on top of my assignments, which is why I'm doing this - I need to get my Dec. thing done. I really should be home w/my kids getting ready for the 5 X-Mas events will will be attending in the next 3 days, don't you think? I will answer these questions as best I can, but I'm still dealing w/the same response w/all of this technology stuff - yes, technology is great, but I find it very overrated. There are only so many hours in the day. How will I find time to follow a blog, read and recieve updated journal articles, etc. while doing everything else I do in a day? Something has to go if something if I'm going to suddenly have time to check my RSS feed, for example.

Which customizable homepage did you choose? Why did that one appeal to you? Will you make it your permanent home page?

I'd like to create one on Google. That seems the most popular and it is private. Maybe we will have some time to create that in class? I'm not going to do it right now.

Did you find a tool that has some uses for you at school or home? Which tool(s) would you recommend to others?

I like the 4teachers.org. It lists so many options, all right there. I can see myself using some of those in the future.

How can the online calendars be useful to you?

I've resisted them thus far - I prefer the printed page. My husband had a online calandar and an iphone, yet I'm the one who is organized and knows what is going on and when - how is that for overrated technology?

What about the To Do Lists -- helpful? too much work?

Too much work - I'm not near a computer or have time to login, etc. to access - a piece of paper works fine for me.

How would you compare and contrast the use of paper-based assignments and assigment notebooks to the potential use of online assignment calculators and to do lists for students?

Love the idea, but until all students carry laptops, I don't see how we could equitablity implement such a change. It is even weird to think about, but I'm sure a matter of time. I mean, I'm still using an overhead projector for goodness sake! BUT - this is the first year I've had an LCD in my classroom, so I do have a reasonable excuse. But I don't even like using powerpoints. I know, I need this class really bad! I'm so lucky to have it even though I end up feeling bad about it because I really don't have the extra time to put into this right now. So I work, I also work at Lifetime (I teach group fitness classes), I have 3 small children - 6, 4 & 1.5 yrs. - that is my excuse. Speaking of which, I need to go home and hug them right now.

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