Friday, April 24, 2009

cool quote

getting caught up here quickly -

want to share a very cool quote I heard yesterday (4.23.09) on NPR last night. A guy who is working for the website (tracking how the stimulus pkg. $ is being spent) commented on how "This is not just Government 2.0, but Democracy 2.0".

Music to a Social Studies Teacher's ears! He is speaking about the transparency of this admin. and the plans to make the Fed. more transparent - even in the office of Budget Management. Exciting stuff.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Way Behind

Ok - So I realize I'm way behind on the weekly blogging and I need to do a "thing" this month.

I have some legitimate excuses for my tardiness: (Don't I always?)
1. I started teaching a new prep - Sociology. It has consumed my life. I've been waiting my whole career to teach this. I love it, but have been at school every night until about 5 pm figuring out what I'm going to do the next day. In fact, right now, I should be figuring out what I plan to do tomorrow instead of doing this.
2. I got MONO and STREP Throat. Because I'm not totally prepared (see above) I've acually missed very little school considering the Dr. told me to rest for 2-3 wks. - right! Sub plans are way more of a pain than actually showing up tired.

I do have one cool thing to share and I'm not sure if I wrote about it already. I Found it on Classroom 2.0, I think when I was doing Thing #13. I'm actually going to show it in class tomorrow. See the link below - would be timely to show for MILI class as well:

Hi,Check out this cool presentation on SlideShare:Title: "The Micro-Sociology of Networks"Link: (I e-mailed it to myself, hense the last part)

Second thing I can write about: The NCSS publication Social Education just came, and guess what the title of this month's edition is - "Social Studies 2.0: Thinking, Connecting and Creating w/Technology". I need to go faciliate our Dept. Mtg., so I guess I'll read about it later.